Smart Skills: Using OvrC to Access a Device Interface

Video Transcript:

You’ve got your OvrC mojo working, and you’re fixing problems from your computer without rolling a truck.

Then your favorite customer calls:

“Hey! I’m leaving on a family vacation in about five minutes, and I need you to change the recording schedule on my surveillance system right away! Just do your remote-management magic, K? Thanks! Bye!”

The problem is, you can’t change the NVR’s configuration from OvrC…or can you?

To keep your customers happy, sometimes you need to dig a little deeper than a simple reboot.

With certain devices, OvrC can help you with this, too. Just follow these steps:

First, log into OvrC and locate the customer’s site.

Second, locate and connect to the device’s interface.

Step 2: Locate and connect to the device’s interface

In the customer's DASHBOARD, click the DEVICES tab.

Some network devices have expanded OvrC options. These devices have a small green dot next to their icons. With these, OvrC gives you additional options for remote management.

If these expanded options are not enough for what you need, some devices allow you to connect directly to their web interface.

To connect to the device’s interface, click the Connect icon.

In the Web Protocols section, click CONNECT. This establishes a secure connection to the device and opens its web user interface in a new browser tab.

Log in to the device, find and configure the settings you need to adjust, save the changes and there you go. Another happy customer.

It really is just that easy!

Using web connect, OvrC lets you make detailed adjustments to compatible devices… still without rolling a truck!